IWM North Story Seekers and Animals & War Big Picture Show

Location: IWM North main exhibition space
Time: 11:00 – 16:00
Story Seekers: D-Day, Disguise and Deception 10-4pm
Explore objects, photographs and stories detailing methods of disguise and deception used by the Allies leading up to D-Day. From dropping dummy paratroopers known as ‘Ruperts’ to building fake tanks to trick the Germans, learn more with drawing activities and fun-packed missions.
Link to the activities is here: https://www.iwm.org.uk/events/family-activities-iwm-north
Animals & War Big Picture Show – 11am
Follow Milo the mouse and his guide Winkie the pigeon, as they discover stories of brave animals who have helped the war effort from the First World War to the present day.
Learn about wartime animal heroes from Duffy the donkey, Rip the dog and K-Dog the dolphin in this new show created for Imperial War Museum North.
Part of the Big Picture Show. An immersive 360-degree thought-provoking multimedia experience only at IWM North.