IWM North
Saturday & Sunday
Family Hub: D-Day Disguise and Deception at IWM North

Location: IWM North Libeskind Rooms
Time: All day Saturday and Sunday
Discover more about the deceptive tactics the Allies used to trick the Germans into thinking D-Day would happen at a different time and place.
Build your own ‘Rupert’: ‘Ruperts’ were dummy paratroopers, dropped by the Allies over France to make the Germans believe they were being attacked in a different area to where the real landing was taking place.
Fake Tanks: Learn about inflatable tanks used to deceive the Germans. Create your own dummy tank to trick your family.
Hobart’s ‘Funnies’: Discover Percy Hobart’s ‘Funnies’, special tanks modified to clear minefields, lay bridges, swim through water and more. Design a unique ‘funny’ tank to solve a problem.
Link to the activities is here: