Who We Are

We Invented the Weekend (WITW) is a two-day FREE festival which throws open MediaCityUK and Salford Quays’ spaces and places, to celebrate the joy of free time, taking in sports, music, comedy, theatre, dance, workshops, talks, food, charity, wellness, crafts and more.

From water sports on the canal, live music and dance performances, to getting your hands dirty with planting workshops and finding gems at vintage markets, festival-goers meet new people, try new things and make memories together.

The festival is funded by Salford City Council, MediaCityUK (a Peel Group and Landsec partnership), Arts Council England and GMCA Culture Fund. It is governed and supported by Salford’s Culture & Place Partnership, a cross-city collective delivering Salford’s strategy for culture & creativity.

We are committed to protecting your privacy. We will use the information that we collect about you in accordance with the Data Protection Act 2018, the UK General Data Protection Regulation and the Privacy and Electronic Communications Regulations 2003.

Your Data Protection Rights

Your right of access

You have the right to ask us for copies of your personal information.

Your right to rectification

You have the right to ask us to rectify information you think is inaccurate. You also have the right to ask us to complete information you think is incomplete.

Your right to erasure

You have the right to ask us to erase your personal information in certain circumstances.

Your right to restriction of processing

You have the right to ask us to restrict the processing of your information in certain circumstances.

Your right to object to processing

You have the right to object to processing where you have a particular reason for wanting the restriction.

Your right to data portability

You have the right to receive personal data you have provided to a us in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, as well as the right to request that we transmit your data directly to another controller.

Our Contact Information

In line with your data protection rights, you can contact our team to:

  • Have your data corrected, updated or erased
  • Make a complaint about how your data has been used
  • Opt-out of marketing/promotional material – these materials will only have been sent if you have given your prior consent
  • Ask questions about general personal data use or data retention periods.
  • Submit a Subject Access Request
  • Report a suspected data breach

Email us at: hello@weinventedtheweekend.com

Write to us at: We Invented the Weekend, c/o Quays Culture, The Lowry, Pier 8, Salford Quays, M50 3AZ

You can also complain to the Information Commissioner’s Office if you are unhappy with how we have used your data. Please see the ‘Information Commissioner’s Office’ section at the end of this policy.

Email, Web Activity & Social Media

We keep a record of the emails we send you, and we may track whether you receive or open them so we can make sure we are sending you the most relevant information. We may then track any subsequent actions on our site.

Like most websites, we receive and store certain details whenever you use the WITW website. We use “cookies” to help us make our site – and the way you might use it – better. Cookies mean that a website will remember you every time you visit, unless you choose to delete your cookies. It also helps us understand how you use our website, where we can make improvements and how best to tell our audiences about events they might be interested in.

We use social media to broadcast messages and updates about events and news. On occasion we may reply to comments or questions you make to us on social media platforms. You may also see adverts from us on social media that are tailored to your interests. Depending on your settings or the privacy policies on social media and messaging services like Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, TikTok or X, you might give third parties permission to access information from those accounts or services.

From Third Parties

Your information may be shared with us by other organisations and websites, but only when you have indicated that you give your consent to hear from us. You should check their Privacy Policy when you provide your information to understand fully how they will process your data.  We will use your data in accordance with the permission you provided for the sharing.

Sharing with Third Parties

We will not share any personal details with any other third parties without your agreement, unless required in order to fulfil our contract with you or required by law.

In general, the third-party providers used by us to fulfil our contract with you will only collect, use and disclose your information to the extent necessary to allow them to perform the services they provide to us. These providers include our Ticketing and Events Systems providers, Email and mail distribution services.

Sensitive Data

Any data regarding children, disability or medical need, religion, political affiliation, sexuality or ethnicity is regarded by us as sensitive, and we take steps to ensure that any such information is subject to restricted access and is only collected where necessary.

Lawful Basis & Data Usage


Where there is a contract in place and there is a need to process personal data to comply with the obligations of the contract.

Artist Arrival & Technical Data

We will keep records of artists & performers who are contracted to appear at our events for organisational and promotional purposes.


Any freely given, specific, informed, and unambiguous indication of an individual’s wishes by which they, by a statement or by a clear affirmative action, signifies agreement to the processing of personal data relating to themselves or a dependent.


We will rely on your consent when providing marketing/promotional material to you. This material will include information about WITW including dates and programme announcements.

Marketing – Opt-Out

If you change your mind about receiving direct marketing/promotional material from us then you can click the unsubscribe button at the bottom of our emails.

Under 18’s – Photographs & Videos

We will seek the consent of parents/guardians/carers before capturing images of under 18’s.

Vulnerable Adults – Photographs & Videos

We will seek the necessary consent when capturing images of vulnerable adults.

Legitimate Interests

Where we have used Legitimate Interests as our lawful basis for processing, we have done so by balancing your own individual interests against our means to process and have completed a Legitimate Interests Assessment (LIA) to keep an audit trail of our decision and justification for the processing.

Adults – Photographs & Videos

We may take photographs & videos of adult guests in line with our legitimate interests.

Performances – Photographs & Videos

We may take photographs & videos of the artists & performers appearing at our events in line with our legitimate interests.

Promotional Images

We may receive promotional images from artists, creative companies, and their PR teams, which we will use to help promote their work and our events.

Queries & Complaints

We will respond to queries & complaints in line with our legitimate interests.

Performer & Business Contact Listings

We will keep a record of contacts which we will gather from publicly available sources or through building relationships during our day to day working activities.

Case Studies

We may ask individuals for feedback on our events and record their details so that they can be contacted for further discussion.


There may be times where our staff wish to create a record of any concerns they may have in relation to an individual’s welfare. This is to help secure the health and wellbeing of the individual concerned. These records will be subject to enhanced security measures due to the sensitive nature of the data involved.

Legal Obligations

We may need to disclose your details if required to by the police, regulatory bodies or legal advisors.

Photographs & Videos


To be open and transparent, we will display signage at our events declaring our intent to take photographs & videos, while also making it clear that individuals can contact a member of staff if they have any concerns, or to opt-out.

Opting Out

Where we rely on legitimate interests (see ‘Lawful Basis & Data Usage’), anyone not wishing to have their images captured will have the option of opting out by speaking with a member of staff at any of our events where we will provide a sticker or wristband to ensure the individual’s privacy is respected by our photographers.

Any images taken which inadvertently feature an individual wearing a sticker or wristband will be deleted or have post processing applied so that the opted out individual is not identifiable.

Image Usage

Any photographs & videos we take may be used as outlined below:

  • On printed marketing and promotional materials.
  • On online marketing and promotional materials including our website & social media channels.
  • As part of our annual reports or funding reports.
  • As part of any press reports.
  • By partner organisations and/or potential co-organisers of our events.

Subject Access Requests

In accordance with the Right to Access, you can ask us at any time to provide you with a copy of the personal data we hold on file for you. All you need to do is contact us in line with the details in the ‘Our Contact Information’ section of this policy, mark your communication as a ‘Subject Access Request’ and provide us with a valid form of ID. Once you have provided us with all we need to complete the request, we will provide the information you requested within 1 month. In the event that your request is complex, we may require more time than this to complete the request, but in such circumstances, we will contact you with further information and a revised timescale.

Reporting a Personal Data Breach

If you believe your Data Protection rights have been breached in anyway, you can contact us using the details in the ‘Our Contact Information’ section of this policy. We take personal data breaches extremely seriously and have stringent procedures in place for recording and resolving any such incidents.

Data Transfers

Where data must be transferred outside the UK for processing, this will only be done to countries which are deemed ‘adequate’ in line with UK GDPR regulations, or on the basis of specific arrangements (an International Data Transfer Agreement on approved terms) that provide equivalent protection to the rights of data subjects, if the country’s own laws have not been found to provide adequate protection.

Data Retention

In line with the Storage Limitation principle of the UK GDPR we will not keep your personal data longer than is necessary.

Case Studies – 7 years

Complaints – 7 years

Contacts – Dependant on business needs

Contracts – 7 years

Customer Queries – 3 years

Photographs & Videos – 5 years

Safeguarding Data – Please get in touch

Subject Access Requests – 2 years

Ticketing Accounts – 10 years

Please contact us using the details in the ‘Our Contact Information’ section of this policy for further information on data retention or if you would like your personal data to be erased earlier than the timeframes provided.

Historic Archiving

We will archive select photographs & videos for an undefined period, deemed to be of historical significance to WITW, or of other potential future value, i.e. They could be used as part of future marketing or promotional materials. These images would represent specifically outstanding works we feel can contribute to the legacy of WITW.

Information Commissioner’s Office (ICO)

You can complain to the ICO if you are unhappy with how we have used your data.

The ICO’s address:

Information Commissioner’s Office

Wycliffe House

Water Lane




Helpline number: 0303 123 1113

ICO website: https://www.ico.org.uk


2.0 – May 2024